101 Dalmatians was the best thing ever when I was little, I had this movie on repeat! For all my fellow fans check out my 101 Dalmatians jersey nickname ideas!
You know that saying, that pets and their owners look alike? Well this movie kicked it off, remember that first scene where Pongo is staring out the window looking for a mate for his pet Roger hahaha? Did you know that this animated movie was one of the first that Disney turned into a live action film? They just used real dogs and no CGI, though the dogs didn’t talk, that was kind of a pity – but hey you never know when Disney is going to remake something, hint hint Disney!
- ♥ Dalmatians
- ♥ Dogs
- ♥ Puppies
- Roger Radcliffe – the guy who owns Pongo/Pongo’s pet
- #Bachelor
- #Writer
- #Musician
- #Bloomin’ Hero!
- #OldDog
- #ADogsLife
- Anita Radcliffe – his wife that Pongo picks out, Pongo when he spots Anita and Perdi: ‘I’d never find another pair like that, not if I looked for 100 years!’
- Pongo – Dalmation Dad
- #Twilight Bark – the gossip chain/ message system the dogs use to locate the stolen puppies
- Perdita or Perdi for short – Dalmatian Mum
- Nanny – Pongo’s description of her: ‘A wonderful housekeeper, she’s such a kind understanding soul, you know at times she seems almost canine.’
- Lucky
- Patch
- Pepper
- Freckles
- Rolly – ‘I’m hungry mother, I’m hungry. I really am.’
- Penny
- #Thunderbolt – the puppies’ favourite TV hero
- Cruella de Vil – ‘My only true love darling! I live for furs! I worship furs! After all is there a woman in all this wretched world who doesn’t?’
- Cheerio darling!
- #Marvellous
- Sergeant Tibbs – the cat
- The Colonel
- Captian – the horse
- On the double!
- Danny the Great Dane
- Towser – the hound dog
- Lucy – the goose
- Jasper – tall bad guy, in the movie version Dr House plays him
- Horace – short bad guy, in the movie version Mr Weasley plays him
- #Hoodlum
- #Scoundrel
- By George!
- Fiddle-faddle
Got your Dalmatian themed name? Great! To order your year 12 jersey contact Exodus Wear today!