Pick a graduation song they said, it will be easy they said – ha! Do you know how many graduation songs there are to choose from, too many – so how do you choose? Don’t worry Exodus Wear has got your back – check out our guide to the best graduation songs for 2017.
First things first, before you can pick a song, you must select your theme – are you going for a sentimental song that will make everyone cry happy tears and give each other big hugs? Or do you prefer an empowering – yeah let’s go out and take over the world peeps – song? Or are you all happy to celebrate the end of year 12 and a new beginning? Have a think about your year groups and what would suit you guys best. Once you’ve chosen your theme check out the awesome songs that go with below!
- The Climb, by Miley Cyrus – you keep climbing Miles! :’(
- See you again, by Wiz Khalifa ft Charlie Puth – all about friendship and distance and time
- Friends Forever, by Vitamin C – it’s an oldie but a classic sappy grad song
- Youth, by Troy Sivan
- 7 Years, by Lucas Graham – if this doesn’t make the entire assembly cry, I don’t know what will
- Firework, by Katy Perry – tells you your awesome
- Roar, also by Katy Perry – about getting up after you fall down and kicking butt
- Breakaway, by Kelly Clarkson – all about moving forward and taking chances
- Hero, by Mariah Carey – about finding your inner strength
- I was here, by Beyonce – she talks about doing good in the world
- Happy, Will Pharrell – fun loving feel good song, your graduating peeps – yay for a new chapter, lets celebrate!
- I gotta feeling, by The Black Eyed Peas – jump up and dance people!
- The edge of glory, by Lady Gaga
- I’ll be there for you, by the Rembrandts – yes the Friends theme song, everyone will lose it over this!
Now don’t forget your year 12 jerseys – for a massive selection and kick-ass design ideas check out Exodus Wear’s gallery of designs!
