For those who love to run the hidden pine trails of the forest, taste the sun-sweet berries of the Earth and roll in all the riches all around them – may I present Disney’s Pocahontas jersey nickname ideas!

Did you know that they made a Pocahontas 2? I had this vague memory of seeing it, then hating it and since then trying to delete it from my memory. However, recently Pocahontas became a topic of conversation and it jogged my memory of the second move so I watched it again. Spoilers ahead ******** Basically Pocahontas gets invited to England to talk to the King and convince him not to start a war with her people, everyone thinks John Smith is dead, but then he’s alive, Ratcliffe is bad, she does eventually stop the war and head back home as expected yay. BUT instead of marrying John Smith – she falls for John friggin Rolfe her host and guide to England! I mean he is played by Billy Zane (google him) and I luv him, but just no! Argh! And now I remember why it sucks, no nickname ideas for that movie!

On a happier note since Disney is remaking, well everything – I suppose a Pocahontas remake is potentially in the works too hey – Disney? That’s just me speculating, but it would be awesome!

  • Pocahontas
  • #Disney
  • ♥ Disney
  • DisneyPrincess
  • Spirit
  • Path
  • Spirit Path
  • #Wolf – ‘Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon’
  • Grinning Bobcat – ‘Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned’
  • Mountain Voices – ‘Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain’
  • Colours of wind – ‘Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?’
  • #Circle – ‘And we are all connected to each other, in a circle, in a hoop that never ends.’
  • #Tribe
  • Grandmother Willow – the talking tree, knows everything
  • ListenWithUr♥ – ‘Listen with your heart, you will understand.’
  • Listen ♥
  • #Ripples
  • FollowUrPath – ‘You know your path child, now follow it!’
  • Captain John Smith
  • Captain ‘Your name’
  • Governor Ratcliffe
  • Governor ‘Your name’
  • #Gold
  • #Treasure
  • Meeko – loves biscuits and food in general, probs my spirit animal J
  • #Racoon
  • Flit – little, green, pompous bird
  • #Bird
  • Percy – the spoiled rich doggy
  • #PugLife
nickname ideas


To order your Pocahontas nickname year 12 jersey contact Exodus Wear today!



