Doctor Who is one of the top and longest running sci-fi serials on television. We have seen many changes to the Doctor’s appearance in that time with many regenerations under his belt. He has also had many loyal friends over the years that have helped him along the way. He also made many enemies amongst the alien races, some more dangerous than others. So, with a whole host of frightening aliens and wacky monsters to fight against, we at Exodus Wear dare you to face your fears and choose a nick name from this list of Doctor Who nickname ideas.
Doctor Who nickname ideas
For those who are fans of the man himself:
- Doctor Who
- The Doctor
- Time Lord
For those who are fans of the Doctor’s companions, some of them from the past and others from present series:
- Donna
- Martha
- Rose
- Sarah Jane
- Amy
- Clara
- Oswin
- Ace
- Romana
- K-9
- Captain Jack
- Rory
- Mickey
- River Song
For those who enjoy watching mainly to see all the Aliens on the show, whether they be good or bad:
- Dalek
- Cyberman
- Sontarin
- Omega
- The Ood
- Silurians
- Silents
- Chimerons
- Sycorax
- Catkind
- Judoon
- Adipose
- Vashta Nerada
- Gangers
- Queen of Years
- Kahler Cyborg
- Whisper Men
- Mister Sweet
- Fisher King
- The Raven
- Zygons
And of course, where would we be without the Doctor’s Arch nemesis and also renegade Time Lord:
- The Master
Hopefully, these are enough to get you thinking about what Doctor Who nickname you would like on your year 12 jacket. So, what are you waiting for? Get your TARDIS out and fly in to get your favourite Doctor Who nickname printed on your year 12 jacket…If you are not in year 12, I guess you could always call on the Doctor to take you back in time to order yours. And for more information or to order, please contact us.