On our range of custom clothing you can embroider 6 characters of the front and 20 characters (10 characters per line). Please note denim jackets can only fit 12 characeers on the back (6 characters per line). Below are some embroidery suggestions for you:
Embroidery | Number of characters | Category |
Lol | 3 | Acronyms |
FML | 3 | Acronyms |
Yolo | 4 | Acronyms |
Hello | 5 | Billboard |
Birthday Girl | 13 | Celebrations |
Tres chic | 9 | Fashion |
Ooh la la | 9 | Fashion |
Blue jean baby | 14 | Fashion |
I woke up like this | 19 | Fashion |
Flawless | 8 | Fashion |
Bored | 5 | Feelings |
Summertime Sadness | 18 | Feelings |
I could care less | 17 | Feelings |
Free hugs | 9 | Feelings |
Chill | 5 | Feelings |
Crazy Sexy Cool | 15 | Feelings |
Do not Disturb | 14 | Feelings |
Friday Feels | 12 | Feelings |
I love you | 10 | Feelings |
I’m a dreamer | 13 | Feelings |
Nom nom | 7 | Feelings |
Smile | 5 | Feelings |
Best friends | 13 | Friends |
Bestie | 6 | Friends |
#nofilter | 9 | Hashtags |
Love me | 7 | Love |
Bae | 4 | Love |
Milf | 4 | Mothers |
Hot mumma | 9 | Mothers |
Boss bitch | 10 | Motivational |
Haters gonna Hate | 17 | Motivational |
Just breathe | 12 | Motivational |
Legendary | 9 | Motivational |
Namaste Bitches | 15 | Motivational |
The Greatest | 12 | Motivational |
Treat Yo Self | 13 | Motivational |
Xero Fucks Given | 16 | Motivational |
Rich as fuck | 12 | Motivational |
Bow down bitches | 17 | Motivational |
C’est la vie | 12 | Motivational |
Carpe that diem | 15 | Motivational |
Life is short | 13 | Motivational |
Ca$h Money Hoes | 15 | Motivational |
Limited edition | 15 | Motivational |
Make me famous | 14 | Motivational |
Life sucks | 11 | Motivational |
I’m a big deal | 14 | Motivational |
I’ll be back | 12 | Movie Quotes |
That’s so fetch | 15 | Movie Quotes |
Hasta la vista | 14 | Movie Quotes |
Pump up the jam | 15 | Music Lyrics |
Shake it off | 12 | Music Lyrics |
Turn down for what | 18 | Music Lyrics |
Born in XXXX | 12 | Music Lyrics |
Champagne Showers | 17 | Music Lyrics |
Let’s get Ridiculous | 20 | Music Lyrics |
How u doin? | 11 | Questions |
What? | 5 | Questions |
Seriously? | 10 | Questions |
Dafuq | 5 | Questions |
Huh? | 4 | Questions |
Amazeballs | 10 | Sayings |
Bananas | 7 | Sayings |
Bazinga | 7 | Sayings |
Beached As | 10 | Sayings |
Blonde Ambition | 15 | Sayings |
That’s hot | 10 | Sayings |
That’s what she said | 20 | Sayings |
Bye Felicia | 11 | Sayings |
Ciao | 4 | Sayings |
Fleek | 5 | Sayings |
Fo shizzle | 10 | Sayings |
Swag | 4 | Sayings |
In real life | 12 | Sayings |
Hello darling | 14 | Sayings |
Oh my god | 9 | Sayings |
Call me maybe? | 14 | Song Lyrics |
Turn Down For What | 18 | Song Lyrics |
Queen | 5 | Titles |
Follow me to… | 13 | Travel |
Summer | 7 | Travel |
Time Out | 8 | Travel |
Wild thing | 10 | Travel |
Salt sand seawater | 18 | Travel |
Free spirit | 11 | Travel |
Bon voyage | 10 | Travel |
D’oh | 4 | TV Quotes |
Bride | 6 | Wedding |
Bridesmaid | 10 | Wedding |
Maid of honour | 15 | Wedding |
Mother of the bride | 19 | Wedding |
Bridezilla | 10 | Wedding |
Just Married | 12 | Wedding |
Mrs X | 5 | Wedding |