Studying languages can be hard. Even more so if that language is not your native language. But you can rest assured that you are not alone. Many students struggle with languages. Whether it be French, German, Italian, or even English (for you international students), students struggle. So, to help you find some light in the language tunnel, here are some linguistics student memes.
Linguistics student memes
First up is the dreaded vocabulary words you need to learn in order to pass. Or at the very least understand the language. And it doesn’t matter how long you learn words, it seems there are some you are just bound to forget…

Next is French class. Is this how you feel in french class? Or any language class for that matter?

And yes, you do have to write that in Spanish as it is Spanish class!

This is pretty much anyone during oral exams for any language class. Whether it be high school or university, you practically have to be a specialist to pass.

And where does a degree in linguistics take you?

A good meme for student life as a linguistics major. So, what do your friends and family think you do when studying a degree?

Studying for a linguistics oral exam or vocab test? Best not head to the library to practice in case someone thinks you are crazy.

No, one simply does not study linguistics in one day. It will probably take a few years before you become fluent. And if it’s English you are learning, good luck. As another meme not listed here states when learning English, there are no rules!

That concludes this list of linguistics student memes. Hopefully you have found some light and humour from these if you are a linguistics student. For more memes just head on over to the Exodus Wear website: and search memes. So, good luck with your linguistics study and may you pass with flying colours! Or for more memes check out websites like