If you’re a fan of Monsters Inc, then you must love Monsters University too! Pun intended hahaha! When you can’t do a sequel do a prequel, just as awesome! Check out these Monsters University year 12 jersey nickname ideas!
Ever wondered how Mike and Sully became well Mike and Sully? Then Monsters University is the movie for you! It’s the prequel to Monsters Inc and shows their back story, how they became friends and how they worked their way to the top at Monsters Incorporated. You also find out about how Randall became Randall, spoiler alert basically he took off his glasses.
Pick your favourite Character:
- James P. Sullivan
- Mike Wazowski
- Randall
- Scott Squibbles / Squishy – he is undeclared, unattached and pretty much unwelcome
- Don Carlton – mature student
- Terry/Terri – Terry with a Y and Terri with an I – still not sure of this is 2 monsters or 1 :/
- Art – the new age philosophy major
- Johnny Worthington – Leader of Roar Omega Roar, played by Nathan Fillion, love that guy!
- Chet – little crab dude from Roar Omega Roar
- Dean Hardscrabble – Principal lady, part bat and cockroach – urgh! Too many legs!
Monsters University:
- MU
- Monsters Uni – perhaps you want to go to Monsters University when you grow up? I know I do!
- #Monster
- #Student
- Top Student!
- Little Monster
- Raaawr!
- Scarer
- Scariest!
- Best Scarer!
- SchoolOfScaring
- Scaring Program
- Scare Games! – the game that Mike and Sully participate in to get back into the scare program
- Improv Club
MU Sororities and Fraternities:
- Oozma Kappa – OK for short, the best gosh darn house around!
- RoarOmegaRoar – or ROR for short
- Python Nu Kappa – or Pink for short
- Slugma Slugma Kappa
- Eta Hiss Hiss – Hiss for short
- Omega Howl
- Jaws Theta Chi
Ok Monsters, now that you have your Monster-ific nickname picked out time to order your year 12 jersey! To order contact us today!