Graduating from university is an exciting time. You get to put on fancy robes and parade on stage. And you get to accept your degree formally. What is not to like about that? It is a time for celebration. But what should you wear under your graduation robes? Below are some ideas for both guys and girls on the best outfits to wear under your graduation robes.
Best outfit to wear with graduation robes: Girls
For girls it is important to look your best and most confident to receive your degree. That means you must wear something extra special. Your best dress maybe? But make sure you wear something formal and that means no jeans and sneakers. Most universities will advise you not to wear six-inch stilettos in case you should fall going up on stage and back down. Ballet flats are always good, or something with a slight heel. Anyway, enough chatter, here are some pictures to guide you in your decision making.


(Source: eBay)
Here are a couple of ideas for girls. These are formal dresses and will look stunning under any graduation robe. And don’t forget the shoes. Something like what is pictured below will suffice: low heel but still great to wear!
And then if you want, you can take a clutch but this is not as important a feature as the dress and shoes.
Best outfit to wear with graduation robes: Guys
Like the girls, it is important for all you guys to look your best and most confident. Make sure you wear your best suit, best shoes shined to perfection, and best tie. For this is a time of celebration…relaxation comes later! Here are some ideas for the guys to guide in their decision making.

Something like what is pictured here will suit just fine (pun intended) including the incredibly shiny shoes! And, obviously guys get it easy when choosing an outfit!
For both guys and girls, although you will be wearing a robe, they are very open so the outfit you wear underneath will not be hidden. This means you can’t get away with jeans, t-shirts and thongs. But why would you want to be informal? This is what you have been studying for 4 (or more) years for. So, make the most of your graduation day. And make a statement about your confidence and happiness about finally obtaining your degree.
For more tips and ideas for graduation or university life. just head on over to the Exodus Wear website: