2013 has just started but our gallery of designs for Class of 2013 jackets has already got over 75 designs for you to view. We love to get started early and work with schools on their designs so that they can be delivered as soon as the Year 11 students become Year 12. This way when cold or rainy days pop up in Summer (which they have an annoying tendency to do) the kids already have their jackets ready to wear.

Our 2013 gallery of designs includes photos of all the pre-production samples we are currently working on for the Class of 2013 or to be delivered in 2013. We try to include as many photos as possible of the garment from every angle so that you can get lots of ideas. If you are unsure of what customisation has been used just read through the product features because we list each of the decoration methods used on the garments. Our gallery of designs if a great resource if you are looking for year 12 jersey ideas.

View our 2013 Gallery of Designs now