Did you know that our company allows you to place combination orders for your Year 12 Jerseys? What we mean by this is that it is possible to pick from a variety of our garment styles and combine them into one order. There will be no minimum order that you need to reach for each style; that means if you only want 2 Varsity Cardigans and 23 baseball jackets that is possible. We also won’t charge any extra for placing a combination order and we even allow some variations between the designs. Below are some photos of the Casula High School combination order of Varsity Cardigans and Baseball Jackets for Class of 2014.
We allow combination orders of the following:
- Spliced Jersey & Active Jacket
- Baseball Jacket, Varsity Cardigan & Hooded Jumper
- Polyester Hoodie, Polyester Jacket and Polyester Jersey
* please note Cotton Jerseys and the School 2 Street Jacket can not be combo ordered with another style. They have their own minimum order quantity
If you would like to place a combo order for your Year 12 Jerseys please do not hesitate to contact us on (02) 8188 7988 or emailenquiries@exoduswear.com.au