Tech companies provide their employees with company branded swag including hoodies, t-shirts and caps. Staff can choose to wear these to work and tech conferences. Awesome right #represent! Atlassian a super modern and progressive tech company has gone one step further. They have added a variety of dresses to their company branded wardrobe! This way everyone, no matter what their style preference, can find something to wear and feel comfortable.
Origins of the Feminine Company Outfits Idea
The project leader explained that the idea arose from conversations with other female colleagues, who wanted their company outfits to look more feminine. Because of the positive feedback, the idea evolved into a project! A team of employees designed the new outfits – check ‘em out! There are a variety of styles available for employees to choose from.
The dresses are made from the recycled offcuts from the existing t-shirts and hoodies – yay for the no waste process!
Importance of Inclusion
Atlassian’s Head of Diversity and Inclusion explained that having a variety of outfits is beneficial. Having only traditional tech swag available can cause employees to feel that they must wear them and ignore their own style, which creates a feeling of exclusion. Thus, as this company values inclusion and equality something had to change! Quote from the Head of Diversity and Inclusion: “We have almost 2,000 Atlassians globally, some of them wear swag, and some of them don’t. And that’s absolutely OK. But it’s important we offer choice so that those who do want to wear it, feel included.” Here are the ladies in their kick-ass dresses doing the ‘oh what a feelin’ happy jump.
Now that’s what I call a #Progressive Workplace & #Inclusion ya’ll!
Likewise, here at Exodus Wear we know the importance of customising items to suit different people. That’s why all of our items are fully customise-able! Checkout our gallery of designs for over 3000 different style ideas to help you create your perfect look!