Calling all my fellow Psychs! Checkout this awesome collection of Psychology memes! Seriously look at ‘em they are awesome :D

You know I will never forget the wonderful piece of life advice and first thing my PSYC1101 professor told me: ‘If someone asks you what you do – tell them you are a plumber.”

Because they a) either think you are able to read their minds and are terrified of you (I thought this was hilarious the first time it happened, chic literally scrambled away from me, and to be honest kinda like it, hey you can’t beat ‘em – let ‘em think you have super powers, it’s cool with me!) or b) want you to fix all their problems (can’t tell you the number of life stories I have heard from totally random people, about things I did not need to know). Tell ‘em RDJ! #Psychology memes

psychology memes

Teaching High School Psychology

And then there was the lessons – the old psychologist were … well … interesting? Exhibit A: classical conditioning with Pavlov and his dogs. I always felt really bad for Harlow’s monkeys. Lucky ethics has come a long way since!

psychlogy memes


Hahaha yes this seems the appropriate karma for Pavlov :D

Psychology Memes


Oh and poor Phineas Gage! The things we wouldn’t know about the brain if he hadn’t accidently been impaled!

Psychology Memes


And I know that after you see the old experiments it’s hard to believe that Psychology is a Science. But it is, there is a lot of research, work and stats analysis involved. How blissful it is to find that your result is statically significant!

Psychology Memes


Ooooo and that damned SPSS program! Gah! Stats made easier my foot!

Psychology Memes

Oh the fun and entertainment that was psychology undergrad! Now postgrad that dearies is a whole other kettle of fish, and coffee, and chocolate, and retail therapy … did someone say clothes? Ooo look personalised bomber jackets cool! :D





