Studying for exams is probably quite daunting for everyone. Maybe it can also be a little boring or stressful. We at Exodus Wear understand this. Hence, you have probably figured out this is all about studying and exams. And let’s face it. There are not too many people who actually like studying or exams. Furthermore, if you find you are too stressed, you are not alone. Most likely everyone you meet has done at least one exam in their lifetime. So, to make your day brighter and help you destress, here are some study and exam funny school memes and quotes.

Study and exam funny school memes: pictures

First of all is this picture meme. Has anyone had a teacher who comes up and asks this?

study and exam funny school memes


Can anyone relate to this image? Seems like this is everyone in the last five minutes because this is when all the information you retained during study comes to mind!

study and exam funny school memes


Or this?

study and exam funny school memes


Another cartoon meme with some good exaggeration of the procrastination that takes place while studying.

study and exam funny school memes

(Source: WeKnowMemes)

Had to include Mr. Bean somewhere! And who doesn’t love the classic facial expression?

study and exam funny school memes

(Source: )

Study and exam funny school memes: quotes

80% of the final exam will be based on the one class you missed and the one book you didn’t read. (Source: pinterest)

Law of Studentology – Book continues to be in state of rest or covered with dust and soil, unless exams are appeared. (Source: Best Daily Quotes)

The brain is the most outstanding organ. It works for 24 hours, 365 days, right from your birth, until you step in the exam hall. (Source:

Texting + Facebook = Textbook! Yes, mum I am studying. (Source:

What is the main reason for failure? ………… I think its EXAMS. (Source:

STUDY (verb) – The act of texting, Facebooking, watching TV with an open textbook nearby. (Source:

Hopefully this selection of study and exam funny school memes and quotes has brought a smile to your face. Everyone understands that studying is stressful. As a result, people laugh at funny school quotes and memes. Because most of the time, they are accurate. So, try not to feel too stressed if you are undergoing exams because people know what you are going through and can empathise with you. And if you are sitting exams or are studying may you pass with flying colours even if you look like the young boy in the ‘last five minutes of exam’ meme.

Finally, here is a quote that is somewhat uplifting:

Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, just pretend that you do and, at some point, you will. – Venus Williams

You can find more great quotes and memes on studying through: