I was asked to research funny university societies – being a scientist and study-er of people I noticed something. Nowadays universities no longer have just the traditional course-related clubs, they have expanded to include all new modern day interests and hobbies (the strange, weird and wacky) so that everyone no matter how odd can find a club to call home. Noticing a pattern in the types of clubs I decided to categorise them into groups and named it: ‘The University Society Catergorisation’ – Big Bang Theory style/inspired title.
Being a good scientific practitioner and according to best practice I am required to report on my research findings and theories. So I present to you The University Society Categorisation! Woo!
Note***: Universities – this is the correct University Societies set-up formula. New uni students – this is the wonderful variety of clubs that you will have to choose from. Current uni students – am I right or am I right?
- The normal societies
These are the ones you would expect to find at a university namely the Faculty societies and entrepreneurial/business groups – these societies bring together like minded students, provide support for studies and chances to network.
- Party Societies
These exist for – well parties, dressing up and pub/club crawls. My experience of them (and by that I mean witnessing the group hop onto their party buses this one time) is that you get drunk at the uni pub (much cheaper), wear a costume because – party and have at least 1 dude wearing golden spanx and gold paint, per bus.
- Medieval Society of some sort (including reenactments)
Doesn’t matter where in the university world you are at some designated time each week you will see a group of people dressed up in medieval outfits and play fighting with plastic swords and cardboard armour – it’s a thing, even if you don’t get it just go with it, they have swords.
- Appreciation of random objects societies
For example: Kettle Society, Microwave Appreciation Society, Cheese Club, Squirrel club – these clubs allow you to share in your love of said object or thing and usually have some social activity surrounding it.
- Appreciation of Disney/Harry Potter
These are my personal favourite – one Harry Potter club sorts its members into Hogwarts houses and gets them to compete for points throughout the year #nomuggles #youwishyouwereawizard

So no matter your interests you need not worry there is a suitable club for every nerd, bookworm, appreciator of things and wacka-doodle out there :D #Wacka-doodlesUnite!
Yeah! Celebrate your university society in all it’s weird glory with matching customised university club jackets! Contact us now to place your order!