An urban legend is a sacred tale, spread by word of mouth, telling of the many mysteries that lie within the concrete paradise that is our world. And as for muck up day? The greatest urban legend of them all. Muck up day antics are kind that are rarely seen but often heard. Think ‘putting superglue in all the school locks’, ‘carrying your teacher’s mini into a pit surrounded by stairs’, ‘letting loose a few pigs’ or ‘planting a fully grown tree in the middle of the oval’. These stories are circulated all around the country as a source of national amusement, amazement or if you’re a principal- fear. Luckily for you, we’ve collected the craziest, most scandalous and bizarre muck up day legends, soon to be revealed right here.
We’ve all heard these outlandish stories and they circulate around our high school campuses and as they do we ask ourselves: ‘Really?’. We’ll let you be the judge of that. This story was inspired by a comment we received on our Facebook page as a part of our latest competition! It’s an inspiring story about a particular group of students that have a particular interest: putting things where they shouldn’t. Highly skilled and incredibly thoughtful- these are the movers.
Shakers and Movers
It all starts with a tree. Sounds interesting already, right? Trees can be found pretty much anywhere, however, this group of students decided that the school oval was lacking such a tree. The solution? Plant a 3m tree in the middle of the school oval. We’re not quite sure how they managed this- probably with a shovel. Sadly, the school board did not appreciate the landscaping initiative and swiftly removed said tree, putting it back where it came from. Unsatisfied with this, the following year decided that they would move the same tree back to the center of the oval. The difference being this year, they secured it with concrete, making it a little more difficult to move.Â
Next came the movement of a lot of, well, piss. I think we can all agree that urine is generally only meant to be found in about two places. One being your bladder, the other being the toilet. However, the second feat for these students included a slight redirection of bodily fluids. They sent out e-mails to all the Year 7’s, asking them to please bring their urine samples to the front office. For ‘scientific research’, it seems. The poor office ladies spent the whole day deciding what to do with the copious amounts of urine that they had been delivered.
For a group of people who had already managed to move a 3m tree two years in a row, moving a car shoudl be easy. All it takes is some teamwork and team spirit to get it moving. The principal’s Mini Cooper was uplifted with bear hands that very day and positioned sideways in a locker bay. The principal was then faced with the decision to either ‘beg for mercy’ or attempt a ‘72-point-turn’. We imagine that either would have been rather difficult.
Apparently bored with moving inanimate objects, the students turned to something a little more warm and fluffy: Alpacas. We’re not sure what’s better about this: the fact that the school has alpacas or the fact that they were scattered around the school. Each alpaca was placed in a different part of the school, be it the staff room, a year 7 locker bay (I’m starting to feel very sorry for them) or the gym loft. We imagine it was something like Where’s Wally? but with alpacas.  We’re not sure if this was a prank as there’s nothing better than walking into work at 8.30 in the morning to see an alpaca in the middle of the staff room.
Another school seemed to be on board with this ‘moving’ trend and decided that they would move a little more than one car. Dressed up as construction workers, a group of students redirected all the traffic on a busy main road, through the school carpark, and onto a completely different road. The weight of some of the trucks that came through was too much for the school’s roads and so the year 12’s had to pay for the repair of the asphalt. Despite this, they would probably all agree that the result was worth every cent.
So what do you think? Are these stories legitimate or are the ‘movers’ of muck up day a little too ridiculous to believe? Leave a comment letting us know. Muck up day is all about putting things where they shouldn’t be and this group of students definitely succeeded.
Disclaimer: Exodus Wear do not endorse cement-sealing trees or urine distribution. No alpacas were harmed in the making of this post.
If you have an almost unbelievable muck-up day story you can leave it in the comments below or on our Facebook page for the opportunity to be featured in our future posts! Use the hashtag #mudurbanlegends so we can find them all!
We look forward to hearing about everything.