Nickname ideas for the Vampire Diaries fan
Following the trials and tribulations of the Salvatore Brothers since the dawn of time? Shared the pain of every heartbreak Stefan and Damon have endured over the past few centuries? Up to date on the lives of these ethereal vampires (and witches and werewolves and what not)? Then deal with it: You are in love with this heartbreaking yet addictive show. Why not show your support for either the strong willed protagonists or the vicious yet enchanting bad guys? Do so with a Vampire Diaries inspired nickname for your Year 12 jersey! Here are a few vampire diaries nickname ideas to get you thinking on how to display your support for the immortal beings:
Nicknames for vouching for the perfect match made in heaven? (According to you)
- Steroline
- Team Delena
- Team Bonenzo
- Team Calaric
- I ship Stelena
Nicknames that tell them all where your allegiance lies:
- The Salvatore Brothers
- Team Salvatore
- Miss Petrova
- The Travellers
- The Doppelgangers
- The Bennett Line
- From the Armory
- The Originals
- Them Heretics
- Qetsiyah
- She is Freya
Or do you relate to these symbols?:
- Phoenix stone
- Talisman
- Mystic Falls
- The Anchor
- On the other side
- A Hunter’s mark
- A Burning Sage
- Slumbering (under a sleeping spell like Elena)
- Gods and Monsters
- The Shamanic Huntress
- The Cure
- The Debutant
- The Founder’s party
- The Immortal
- The Phoenix sword
- Mezzanotte (Midnight in Italian. Also the name of Stefan’s horse when he was little)
- Miss Mystic Falls
- A Hybrid
- Moonstone
- Phasmatos (A word used in magic spell chants)
- Bloodlust
- Ms. Cuddles (Bonnie’s childhood teddybear)
- Mr./Miss Supernatural
- Heart Extraction
- Gemini Coven
- Cold as Ice
- Marked for life
These ideas surely brought back a tearful memory or two, didn’t they? Make you feel like you are one of the weird and wonderful from Mystic Falls? Make you want to show how much your heart belongs there? Your answers must be yes, yes and yes. Have your own Vampire Diaries inspired nickname? We would love to hear about it! Just remember: our jerseys allow for 15 characters with symbols. For more information on how to get yours, contact us now.