Exodus Wear is just like that kid at school who is friends with everyone.
We love that you spend your weekends singing acapella in your show choir, playing Quidditch in your University Society or dancing in your Irish dance troupe.
There’s no judgement and we love that you love it! We want to help you make your dreams a reality and create the perfect jacket or tracksuit that represents your group. We want you to feel a million bucks whether it is at rehearsal or on comp day.
Exodus Wear helps you create the perfect design with no restrictions or guidelines; we even let you customise the inside. Whatever your vision is we help you bring that to life without it costing a fortune or requiring a big order to be placed.
We make sure all of our garments are ethically produced, individually personalised and that each order unique. We know that your nickname or name is the most important part of every garment and so we allow the most characters on the market and we even let you use $ymbo£s or sh∇pes.
About Exodus Wear
We make the most customisable jackets and tracksuits and we make them exact to our customers design. We specialise in leavers wear for Year 12 students, tour jackets for dance schools and tracksuits for sporting groups.
Whether it is a baseball shirt for your Roller Derby Team, a satin bomber for your Car Club or a tracksuit for your Chorus Group (yes we have done all those!) we can make it and customise them to your specifications inside and out.
- Founded in Sydney in 2009 by Elyse Daniels
- 100% custom made garments that are designed by our customers
- We are famous for printing photos on the inside lining of our jackets
Our jackets have been worn by 18 Australian artists and 3 international musicians including Justin Bieber, Justice Crew, Kyle Sandilands and Stan Walker.
- Our team is spread across Australia and Asia. We are dedicated to meeting face to face with our customers and guiding them through the process of making a custom garment.
- There are tens of thousands of Exodus Wear jackets out there in the World!
Meet our Founder & Director
“I think a big part of our success comes from placing no restrictions on what our customers can design but keeping the pricing model simple so they don’t get overwhelmed. You can’t tell customers what is cool or what they want anymore. You have to listen to what your customers want, and ours want customisation. Our job is to bring their vision to life”
How do you start a business at 21 with no money?
Elyse tells the rather funny story first hand of how she convinced her parents to invest $6,000 to get Exodus Wear off the ground. Warning! You won’t be learning any business success secrets here but rather how nagging your parents (even when you are an adult) can get you what you want.
Our Team!
Our team are custom crazy! We take customisation so seriously that half of what we own or gift has been customised in some way. We love it so much that we decided it was time to start a series of blog posts For the Love of Custom sharing all of our favourite customisable products.
Our First Order!
April 9, 2009
Exodus produce our first order for St John’s Park High School
Read moreWe come up with the brand name “Exodus Hoodies”
July 13, 2009
Our first brand name was actually Exodus Hoodies. The only product we sold at the time was hoodies and we didn’t have enough foresight to realise that one day we would add more products to our range. Above is a screenshot of the actual notes from their first brainstorm session…
Read moreCreated our Facebook Page
July 15, 2009
This screenshot is of our facebook page around November 2009 when we had just reached 600 likes!
Read moreElyse designs the first Exodus Wear logo
July 27, 2009Elyse incorporated the text “School to Street” because she wanted the jackets we designed to be so cool that you didn’t feel like you were wearing a daggy school uniform. She also wanted you to be proud to wear it outside of school.
Read moreOur First Catalogue
August 1, 2009We released our first catalogue, which only had the St John’s Park High School jacket and the sample that we had made.
Read moreOur first Photo Shoot
August 9, 2009For the photo shoot for our first catalogue we had Elyse’s friend Kim model for us, a family friend take photos and took a lot of photos just walking around the street and then hired a studio for a couple of hours in the afternoon.
Read moreStarted Bus Advertising
September 10, 2009
We started bus advertising in the Campbelltown region
Read moreEvent at Macarthur Square
October 29, 2009
Attended an event at Macarthur Square in Sydney. We only had 3 jacket samples to show people and used an old bamboo screen covered in fabric to display them. We got in trouble with Centre Management because our stand looked too cheap and our banner was too big.
Read more2,000 ‘Likes’ on Facebook
November 29, 2010We reached 2,000 ‘Likes’ on our Facebook page!
Read moreWebsite Launch
January 17, 2011
We launched our very first website on this day! The start of something big.
Read moreLetterform Jacket Release
February 1, 2011We tried launching a retail version of our jackets, called Letterform jackets. We allow the buyer to sew their own letter on.
Read moreOur First Major Photoshoot
February 27, 2011
Here, we had our first major photo shoot at the Sydney Props warehouse for our 2012 catalogue!
Read moreExhibiting at Fashion Exposed
March 4, 2011Elyse decides to exhibit our Letterform jackets at Fashion Exposed to see if there are any interested retailers. To save so money we made our own backdrop for the Fashion Exposed Expo, using fabric from the wonderful Ikea.
Read moreThe Fashion Exposed Expo
March 6, 2011We exhibit at Fashion Exposed Expo (6-8 of March) to promote Letterform Jackets but virtually no-one comes up to the booth to speak to Elyse. On the last day she just ended up sitting at the back of the stand and reading and would have packed up if she could….
Read moreBring It On Festival
March 25, 2011
We exhibit at Bring it On Festival in Fairfield, Sydney for the very first time.
Read morePrinted Lining Comes to Mind
April 1, 2011After attending an advertising seminar, Elyse comes up with the idea of printing photos in the lining of our jackets. We get a photo from Bossley Park High School to do so and receive the first sample on t he 8th of April. Bossley park choose not to go with…
Read moreSydney Morning Herald Careers Expo
June 3, 2011We exhibited at Sydney Morning Herald Careers Expo in Moore Park.
Read moreBarry Southgate Performs in Our Jacket
July 1, 2011
Barry Southgate wears one of our jackets, customized by Chip, while performing in New York.
Read moreWe get a tweet from Sweaty Betty PR
August 1, 2011We send Roxy Jackeno, from Sweaty Betty PR, a Letterform Jacket and she tweets about it!
Read moreWe get contacted by Justice Crew
August 12, 2011We get contacted by Samson from Justice Crew in mid-August about getting some jackets.
Read moreJustice Crew Come by the Office
August 17, 2011Justice Crew come by the office to check out our jackets.
Read moreJustice Crew wear our Jackets
August 19, 2011Justice Crew wears the jackets custom made for them during a performance at the Campbelltown RSL.
Read moreLetterform Jacket featured on Spin Dizzy Fall
September 6, 2011Emma, a blogger from Spin Dizzy Fall featured our Letterform Jacket on her blog, where she customised her own jacket.
Read moreStan Walker wears one of our jackets
October 7, 2011Australian Idol winner, Stan Walker, wears one of our jackets while performing at the Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice Awards.
Read moreLiverpool Champion writes a story about us
October 19, 2011
The Liverpool Champion writes a story about Stan Walker wearing one of our jackets. You can read our post on it here.
Read moreWorking on a new catalogue
November 1, 2011We start working on a new catalogue to launch our new custom lining.
Read moreHummer Ride Competition
November 23, 2011
We launched a competition, where the prize is a ride in a Hummer to their school formal. The participants had to submit a design for their school jacket.
Read moreNew Catalogue Release
January 1, 2012We send out the new catalogue we’ve been working on but immediately get calls from schools complaining that it’s too sexual. The idea was to promote our custom lining and so we had the catalogue sealed, requiring it to be torn open. A lot of people didn’t see it the…
Read more2SSR 99.7 FM interview
January 23, 2012Elyse goes on 2SSR, 99.7FM (the Sutherland Shire Radio Station) to talk about the business with Angela Vithoulkas, from Vivo Cafe in Sydney.
Read moreDirty Mob wear our jackets
February 5, 2012
Dirty Mob wear our jackets while they’re performing on tour.
Read moreDonated a jacket to Campbelltown Theatre Society
February 15, 2012
We donate a Letterform Jacket to the Campbelltown Theatre Society for their production of High School Musical.
Read moreRequest from Israel Cruz’s stylist
March 22, 2012We get a request from Israel Cruz’s (rapper) stylist to create a jacket for his new music video, ‘Nasty’. We have to get the jacket decorated in 3 hours. Elyse met his stylist at Silverwater McDonalds to deliver it after having to pick it up straight from the embroiderer.
Read moreSponsored the National Youth Week Committee
April 1, 2012We sponsor jackets for the National Youth Week committee.
Read moreJustice Crew gives One Direction Letterform Jackets
April 13, 2012
Justice Crew gives One Direction our Letterform Jackets. Elyse is in Canberra for a Youth Expo when she sees Justice Crew’s tweet. Elyse wanted to pack up early but you’re not allowed to drive your car close to the venue, meaning she has to pile everything onto a clothes rack…
Read moreFirst Instagram Post
April 16, 2012Our first post on Instagram.
Read moreJedward wears our jackets
May 2, 2012
Duo, Jedward, wear our baseball jackets for the behind-the-scenes photos of their Put the Green Cape On video.
Read moreJacket Drop-off at Kyle Sandilands’ House
May 2, 2012Elyse and Nicole have to take the jackets to Kyle Sandilands’ house for him and the Nufirm crew. They have to sit and wait outside for hours for them to arrive. It’s almost 11pm when they do and we get some photos of them in Kyle’s garage with his car….
Read moreKyle Sandilands wears our jacket to work
May 3, 2012Without any warning, Kyle wears out jacket to work at 2DayFM and it turns into a big part of the segment. It’s on the homepage of 2DayFM’s website. Elyse’s parents are in Perth and she has 6 appointments with schools that day so she can’t hear it live. In between…
Read moreExhibits at Tamworth, Hunter Valley and Newcastle
May 23, 2012Elyse exhibits at regional NSW expos for the first time in Tamworth, Hunter Valley and Newcastle.
Read moreDelivering new jackets for Justice Crew
June 22, 2012We go to Luna Park to deliver brand-new jackets for Justice Crew to wear in the 2DayFM Boom Boom video.
Read moreWe sponsor the C91.3FM road crew with jackets
July 1, 2012We sponsor the C91.3FM road crew by giving them jackets.
Read moreJustice Crew’s video release
July 6, 2012Justice Crew’s spoof film clip of Boom Boom was release on this day. Elyse is still in New Zealand at this point.
Read moreWe partner with 2DayFM to give Justin Bieber a Jacket
July 11, 2012Because of the success of celebrities wearing our jackets, Elyse Googles when Justin Bieber will be in Australia next. Coincidentally, he is coming the next week for a promo tour with 2DayFM. Elyse calls the producers of the Kyle and Jackie-O show to see if they would partner with us…
Read moreOur first dance catalogue photo shoot
July 15, 2012We do our first dance catalogue photo shoot at Circle Studios in Rosebery.
Read moreWe take the jackets to 2DayFM
July 16, 2012We go ahead and take the jackets in to 2DayFM. They say they’ll do their best to make it a part of the segment but they haven’t been approved by Justin’s team, so there is a chance they won’t be able to give it to him.
Read moreJustin Bieber wears our jacket!
July 17, 2012We all listen to 2DayFM all day and stalk the website but can’t see anything. Just when all hope seems lost, one of our team browses through the gallery and finds photos of Justin wearing our jacket! Everyone jumps up and down and screams. Elyse proceeds to spend all night…
Read moreOur Letterform Jacket in The View Magazine
October 1, 2012A stylist at The View Magazine uses one of our Letterform Jackets for a shoot.
Read morePhoto shoot for the 2013 Catalogue
November 24, 2012Photo shoot at Sydney Props for our 2013 catalogue.
Read more2013 Catalogue Launch
March 1, 2013We launch the 2013 Catalogue
Read moreWe move locations!
May 1, 2013We move into Unit 8, 7-9 Progress Circuit, Prestons, NSW, 2170
Read morePhoto shoot for the 2014 catalogue
November 24, 2013We shoot for the 2014 Catalogue, which is held at the Campbelltown Athletics Stadium. We launch the active jacket. Thankfully, the weather is perfect and the photos are amazing!
Read moreWe sponsor Tresporcento
March 16, 2014We sponsor the Portuguese band, Tresporcento, as a part of the Portuguese Food & Wine Festival.
Read moreOur biggest photo shoot so far!
November 30, 2014We conduct the biggest photo shoot we’ve had so far. This consists of 50 models but it ends up raining on the day!
Read more500 Instagram Followers
November 13, 2015We hit 500 followers on Instagram. You can find us @exoduswear.
Read moreNew Logo
December 9, 2015Our new logo is launched!
Read moreNew website
February 12, 2016We launch our new website!
Read moreTracksuit photo shoot
February 21, 2016We have a photo shoot for our new tracksuit range
Read moreJoined Snapchat
February 21, 2016We joined Snapchat! Check out our first story here. It shows the behind-the-scenes of our photo shoot! Add us @exoduswear.
Read more