The entrance to your school formal determines a lot about how the rest of your night is going to go. If it’s a quiet, low-key entrance, that’s perfectly fine, you just prefer shying away from the spotlight. But if you are the star of the show (or at least you think you are), then your entrance must matter as much as your suit or dress. Whether it’s supermoon extravagant or just a slight touch that gets people laughing at their knees, your entrance can set the tone for the rest of the night. Some like to make a low key statement with sass and class. Those are the one’s who just come in for the transient spotlight. These include people that arrive in fancy limos/ automobiles or just their dad’s car. The others like to make a ”statement” of a statement. One that gets people cheering. Hence here is a list of ideas on how to make a star entrance at your formals.

Take the train to Formals town

These guys were not kidding when they said were taking the train to their formal event. They literally did.


Somebody call 911, show them fire burning on the dancefloor

They are well prepared. For too much heat and sass on the dancefloor. Presenting the legends that arrived on a firetruck. Now THATS how you make an entrance to your formal.


Dolled up Barbie dolls

When you put so much effort and doll up for the event, why not embrace your get up by actually arriving AS a doll? That’s exactly what these innovative girls did : arrive as Barbie dolls.


Cinderella up your night

Why arrive at your memorable night in a car when you can arrive in a carriage? Make your own pumpkin and rats come to life in your very own elegant beautiful horse carriages (if you can afford it!).


Lift yourselves up…up and away!!

This image just…. says it all..


At any stage, formals planning is never easy. And in all the hype a lot of us fail to give the thought a good entrance deserves. Hence get inspired buy some of these kooky and inspirational entrance makers and go cook up your own fantabulous entrance for one of the most memorable nights in your life! If you did have a legendary entrance, then please let us know ! Peace out!