most popular social media challenges - 2016There were so many of them this year. Crazy ones. Weird ones. Interesting ones. Amusing ones. And outright stupid ones. They all have their phases in the year where they are so popular that literally all the kids in your neighbourhood have proof of their challenge completions uploaded online. Some of the challenge ideas never fail in destroying your hope for the human race. Others are just pure fun and for laughs. Here are the 3 most popular (and some what sane) challenges that took over the social media this year.

3. Cheerios challenge

While this just peaked for a while (especially around father’s day this year), it was DEFINITELY one of the Cutest! All you needed was a baby and a few cheerios. Stack as many cheerios as possible on the baby’s head and you would’ve conquered the challenge…. Oh dont forget to take a pic and instagram it too!!!

2. Running man challenge

Again… Originated in the US.. couple of high school dance moves.. to the song My Boo by the Ghosttown DJs. Why this challenge became such a hit beckons me but it just did guys… And it is kinda cool to some extent I believe. So why not eh?
most popular social media challenges - 2016

1. Mannequin challenge

If you didn’t come across atleast 1 of these this year, then were you even paying attention to life around you in 2016? Started by a couple of students in Florida, USA (obviously), it became a rapid sensation across the globe. From celebrities to sports stars to politicians, they all had one of their own. All you had to do was to get a bunch of people freeze half way in an action and record.. And BAM you’ve got a popularity winner!


2016 was a crazy year… And in its own way, these challenges brought an extra sparkle to our 2016 with the few smiles and giggles it instigated. If there are other challenges you loved on social media this year, please don’t hesitate to let us know. Who knows what new challenge trends are waiting to break out in 2017 eh? Well we can only wait and see.. Until then, Peace out and hope your 2017 got off with a bang!