‘A whole new worrrllllddd, don’t you dare close your eyes, a magic place filled with homework, and now that I’m here, it’s crystal clear that I know nothing and I am so screwedddd!’ – sing to the Aladdin theme song. Congrats! You got through your exams, got your ATAR and have been accepted into a university course! Yipee finally here … now what? :/

University can be a difficult world to navigate – new place, new rules, new lingo and new classes. So much to learn about this new #unilife. Here is my crash course on different types of university classes and how to survive them!

surviving university



  • What are they? They are lessons on your unit topics. A lecturer shows up, puts up a powerpoint and talks to you about stuff.
  • How long? 1-2 hours
  • When? Same time and day, every week
  • Who teaches them? University professor who runs that unit
  • Survival tips:
    • Show up and take notes (listen to recorded lectures you miss online)
    • Print of the lecture powerpoint and write notes directly on them (if available pre lecture)

Tutorials / ‘Tutes’:

  • What are they? Interactive classes, where you do activities and have discussions regarding your lecture topics
  • How long? 1-2 hours
  • When? Many classes available, choose one that fits into your timetable. You will only have them on designated weeks – the lecturer will tell you when
  • Who teaches them? Phd/Masters students
  • Survival tips:
    • Show up, participate and ask questions – great opportunity to consolidate what you learned in lectures, will lose marks if you don’t
    • Do the required readings so you can follow the lesson


  • What are they? Laboratory classes, only for Chemistry, Biology and Human Biology related units – you usually dissect something
  • How long? 3 hours (normally)
  • When? Choose a class that fits into your timetable, only on designated weeks
  • Who teaches them? Phd/Masters students
  • Survival tips:
    • Show up and participate – you get marked for participation
    • Do the required reading – or you won’t be able to do the experiment
    • Fill in your worksheet on the day – lab work is marked
surviving university


Pro tip/observation: you try the first couple of weeks to look & dress like a presentable human being, but a month in and you will be so tired that you will be waltzing around in trackies and slippers, talking to yourself, like the rest of us (true story)!

To avoid (or at least delay) the switch to trackie/crazy mode, I would highly recommend purchasing a stylish personalised bomber jacket – for every day comfortable and casual wear #unilife



