With the summer holidays inching towards its end, another university semester is on the horizon. For a lot of the first year students new to uni life, it is a time of both excitement and anxiety as you try to figure your way through university. For returning university students, you guys will continue on your hunt for any possible avenue that would make uni life easier and more fun. And what makes life more easier than using the technology we have to do so? Millions of apps exist, in an effort to make different tasks easier for us all. Some apps are must haves as university students. Hence to ensure that you are on the right track, here is a list of 5 apps that are a must have as university students.

Lost on campus

University can be a very very big place. Whether its to find your nearest coffee joint on campus or to find your tutorial room, this app would never fail you. From classrooms to libraries to secret hangout areas, this app can tell you where they are all located. And best of all, its free!

My Weekly Budget

As uni students most of us are bound to be forced to stick to a particular budget. And for a many, it is indeed a very hard task to keep track of where our money is going. This app is the solution to all those problems. You can set your weekly budget and from that, the app shows you how much of the budget is being spent on a day to day basis while also allowing you to set little saving and spending targets. Budgeting as a student just got a tiny bit easier!


If you need everything – from lecture notes to to-do lists organised, Evernote is what you need. From being used as a notepad and being able to scan images, to syncing the files with all your devices, evernote helps ensure that you don’t miss out noting anything significant.

Wolfram alpha

For all those who have to deal with maths in uni, Wolfram Alpha is your go to friend. Whether its for chemical calculations or a calculus problem, Wolfram Alpha can help figure out the answer.

The happiest hour

Spending and studying are not the only problems students, especially those who live by themselves face. Getting an affordable dinner is a big thought process which is what this app specialises in. It lets you know all the happy hour deals available in the vicinity, whether its just a drink that you need or a full meal.

Also don’t forget to check out your university’s app! They are bound to have important information particular to your university.

Being a university student, whether a first time or a returning student, can be very tricky. That being said, university is also a place where countless experiences and everlasting memories can be made. Using such apps can definitely make life a bit easier. And its worth it in order to make your university experience a memorable one. If there are other apps that you think can help make life easier in anyway for uni students, please do not hesitate to let us know. Until next time, Peace out!