The University version of high school formals are yearly or half yearly society and/or faculty balls. These balls revolve around making connections and dressing in interesting themes. However a lot of societies often do struggle for theme ideas. Theme ideas that ensure these balls are a hit and not a miss. Therefore here are a few unusual ideas that can be considered to make your Science Ball the ball to be at!

1. Cell-querade party.

This is the science twist on a traditional masquerade balls. Everyone still has their identity hidden behind masks. Only this time, these masks are in the shapes of different cells like red blood cells and skin cells. Get your geek on and show your collegues your calibre in science by coming up with the most unique body cell as your mask. Reveal your identity at the end of the night in style!

2. The dynamic DNA ball.

Who wouldn’t want to dig into a DNA shaped cake? Or wear pretty DNA helix earrings? Decorate the hall in alpha helix streamers and banners. A good not so grown up idea could also be to create a mini human DNA by making people form the shape and taking an aerial picture for your society’s instagram or facebook page. Now Isn’t that cool?

3. Guess who?

The theme of guess who revolves around people dressing up as notable scientists and making others guess who they are. This adds an exciting nerdy twist on the normal halloween dress up idea.

4. The Laser ball

This would be ideal if your society has a bit of cash to splurge on. You can never go wrong with a laser themed party. Laser fireworks, laser disco…let your creativity wild if you do consider going with a laser themed ball. It can be made elegant and fun at the same time.

5. The Jacket scientists

Traditionally science balls are all suits and dresses (which is why it is called a ball :P). However for a smaller scaled function, why not make it more casual with the jacket idea? Get students and staff alike to dress up in their most creative jackets (possibly with a scientific symbol to make it more sciency!). For this kind of party, we here at exodus wear can always help you have the coolest jacket in the party!

So there you go. This just shows that instead of sticking to cliched themes such as a Greek ball and The Great Gatsby, you can always twist and tweak things to come up with a fun and unique theme for your society’s ball. Peace out!