Are you or have you failed your HSC? You may be thinking you may not get the career of your dreams because of this as Cham Tang thought. You may not get into university.

As illustrated by Cham Tang, your life and dreams do not have to be put on hold because you can’t get into the university course you want. Cham Tang failed his HSC twice before realising that university wasn’t for him. He went on to become a self-made millionaire and runs Authentic Education, one of Australia’s fastest growing businesses that seeks to help young people realise their dreams.

When Cham was at school, he was a bit of a slacker. Sound familiar? He was always wondering what the point was in school and doing all those subjects. He was a smart student but ended up only receiving around 50 points for his ATAR…twice!

That was when he realised university was not for him.

So what did Cham Tang instead?

He tried a series of different jobs in which he learned some valuable and new skills. This gave him the idea for his company Authentic Education which he founded in 2009.

Some valuable advice he gives to all students is don’t choose a degree or university based on the scores you got in your HSC.  Instead, find out what your passions are, what your dream career is and follow that path. ‘After a few months of studying something chosen purely because of the entrance mark, the non-conscious mind works out the image this person holds for the future is not going to be attained via this degree and so the motivation to complete study is lost for good’. You must choose something that will truly make you happy.

So remember, even if you fail your HSC you still have a future. It is what you make it. So go out and find what you’re really passionate about and follow that dream. And like Cham Tang, you too can be in a career you enjoy rather than doing what is expected of you.

For more information and to read about Cham’s success story head on over to and find out for yourself how you can change your life and goals for the future even if you failed your HSC.