Exams can be stressful, especially ones as important as the HSC. You’re probably feeling exhausted from all the studying and work you’ve had to be doing, and stressed from not knowing the outcome of your hard work. It’s through these nerve- racking times where our diet can take a downward slope, just to cope with the weight upon our shoulders. However, eating the right types of food is crucial for both physical and mental health and should be just as an important factor in your study management plan. This Top 15 compiles a handful of extremely beneficial brain foods, that are a staple through the exam period, in addition to a healthy balanced diet.

Top 10 Brain Foods



This creamy favourite is rich in essential E vitamins and fibre and contains healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, which are crucial for brain development and cognitive thinking. This versatile fruit is loaded with more potassiums than bananas and are extremely versatile; they can be enjoyed smashed over some wholegrain toast or an excellent addition to a salad.


This may not be everyones favourite vegetable to eat but do not take this green bundles for granted. Considered to be one of the healthiest foods in the world, Broccoli is packed with antioxidants as well as being abundant in Vitamin C and E. Your mind will be kept sharp as well, as this green plant is packed full of Vitamin K.

Sunflower Seeds

If you are looking for a tasty quick food to snack on whilst knee deep in notes than these powerful seeds are a perfect candidate. They are high in an abundance of crucial vitamins and contain beneficial fatty acids for brain development and memory. This tiny buds are perfect just for a snack or sprinkled over a meal for an extra bit of crunch.


If you are a fan of seafood than salmon is the perfect brain food for you. Packed with omega-3 fatty acids and nutrients, salmon can improve focus and mental health. Another addition to eating fish is that it does not contain harmful cholesterol and hormones found in red and poultry meats.

Dark Chocolate

If you have a bit of a sweet tooth and need that extra kick to get you through the study period, try dark chocolate. Cacao is rich in healthy vitamins such as manganese and can help lower blood pressure which is beneficial for brain health. A few small pieces of this sweet treat every day during the exam period could help your concentration. Tip: The darker the chocolate the more beneficial it is. Don’t over indulge however as this treat can be packed full of sugar and caffeine and could make it hard for you to focus. If your feeling especially healthy try cacao nibs instead, which can be found in any health food store.

Top 10 Brain Foods


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the most versatile brain foods out there. There are very little things this simple oil doesn’t claim to do, it’s an inflammatory and can destroy harmful bacteria in your gut. It is not only great for mental health and cognitive ability but skin care as well. Substitute your usual oil of choice with coconut oil when cooking, or incorporate it in baking and you will reap the benefits.

Green Leafy Vegetables

When it comes to vegetables, if it’s green it’s great for your brain. Whether it’s spinach, kale, or bok choy, these superfoods are rich in key nutrients and vitamins as well as a greats source of calcium and protein. Perfect for a stir fry, or in kale’s case, perfect for a lettuce substitute.


This vibrant spice may often be overlooked in the spice cabinet but it’s one of the healthiest spices in the world. Packed full of antioxidants, these orange spice has anti inflammatory properties and can improve oxygen intake to the brain, increasing focus and mental sharpness. Try include the spice into a curry or stir fry, or even add some to an omelette.


Have you ever thought walnuts kind of look like tiny brains? Well turns out their a brain’s best friend as these creamy nuts are packed full of antioxidants and healthy fatty acids. The abundance of vitamins and nutrients in the nut can also increase focus. Snack on a handful a day, or sprinkle them over a salad.


Another perfect snack, blueberries are packed full of key antioxidants and nutrients. These small berries protect our brain from stress and damage and are high in Vitamin K and C.

Did you get hungry just reading this post? Let us know what type of brain foods you like. Post a picture on social media and don’t forget to tag as in it using the hashtag, #exoduswear. Or if you have anymore brain food ideas, we would love to hear about them. Head over to our forum and tell our friendly community.