Its the day that all of us look forward to as we march towards the end of our schooling life: Muck up day. A right of passage for Year 12 students all over Australia, the stories, the accidents, the legends are endless. Students spend an entire year planning on making this one day a very important one in history. They ensure that year 12s to come are made aware of the tales and antiques they come up with. Some antiques are just insensitive and unnacceptable. Others make you roll on the floor laughing. While most of these legends are difficult to prove if they are real or not, muck up day urban legends definitely prove to be proof of either absolutely legendary pranksters that bring a laugh for all without harm for none, or just plain, stupid and selfish students looking to gain popularity through actions that can be hurtful to some. Either way, read on to find out about one very interesting (and creative) muck up day legend: They are coming.

(As mentioned, we can’t prove if these events really transpired or not. As year 12 students once upon a time, we have also heard these stories through word of mouth hence whether they are myths or facts, we will never know.)

They are coming

Year 12 was approaching the end fast. And as always, the grade were more excited than anything else for one thing and one thing only: muck up day. Ofcourse. Everyone was busy deciding on themes and outfits. A few weeks were left to go for muck up day when, one fine morning, a student found a very concerning sign, with an image of a pair of eyes, saying ”They are coming”. No one knew who wrote it. No one knew what it meant. So people forgot about it and went on with their day. Over the next few weeks, everyday, everywhere, the exact same sign appeared. On roofs, in toilets, in cupboards, in the principal’s office. Everywhere. All the time. It became ridiculous. By the last day before muck up day, every single wall in the school had the sign.

Morning of muck up day came and excited students came to school, to find that every single sign had vanished. But take a wild guess as to what replaced those signs?

Garden Gnomes.

Hundreds and hundreds of garden gnomes covered the school property. An entire village of garden gnomes. They were on tables, glued to walls and ceilings, in trees, on chairs… Everywhere. This legendary prank did justice to the muck up day that year. Legal. Elegant. Funny to think of students’ and staffs’ faces as they entered the school. This will definitely be the one to beat.

So guys and girls, this is what a muck up day prank should be. Give you the shock of your life…In a good, harmless and memorable way. Feel free to share any muck up day stories that you would have come across with us and Enjoy the end of your schooling life! For those already out of school, hope this post made you nostalgic about your own beautiful memories back in the day! Peace out!