Often, academic success of students in high school and college are directly related to time management. Good time management can help the students to improve their study habits. Students’ grade are negatively affected due to distractions or lack of free time. Therefore, creating a timetable can reduce the student’s level of stress by teaching them how to set aside the necessary amount of time for studying and how to use that time wisely. Here are some tips to write a study timetable.
Tips to Write a Study Timetable
- You will be covering lots of material in one semester or term. Therefore, you gotta start your timetable way advance so you have enough time to revise everything.
- It will be easier to navigate your timetable by assigning each subject or unit a colour. By doing so, you will be able to track whether you have a fair balance between all of your subjects. And of course, it looks fancy and colourful!
- Reminder for you: You got to think through first. Do not just dive into it.
- List down all the things that you need to know for each subject or unit in a piece of paper. It could be the topic areas for that subject or unit, what you have covered each week in class or different sections of the exam.
- You also gotta be precise. Have an idea what do you need to do for you to feel confident in all of the topic areas that you have listed in Step 4. For example, if one of the listed topic areas is “differentiation”, list the exact page numbers and practices that you need to complete.
- Fill in one subject at a time. This will ensure that you’ve covered everything. Take all of the information form Step 5 and start to put it into the timetable.
BREAKS IS IMPORTANT TOO!!! Take a 5 minute break every hour is quite a good amount. Give yourself a night off once in a while as well. Don’t overwork!
- Leave your exam practice questions after you have revised everything. By doing so, you will be able to get a realistic idea on how you can expect to perform in the real exam and the areas that need further practice. Another important Don’t do the exam practice question a day before the real exam. This is because you will not have enough time to revise the areas that need work.
- Mix the subjects each day because you won’t like studying Science for 6 hours right?
- You can make changes to your timetable as you go. You might find ways to improve it as you go. Be prepared to move things around if you find your estimations of time were a bit off!
Below is a sample of a timetable.

Hope this will help you to get things right and good luck in your studies!