Do you dance? Do you go to a dance school? Do you need super awesome, super stylish, matching, custom made bomber jackets for your crew? The correct answer to that question btw is yes! No worries Exodus Wear has you covered! Check out the epic jacket that Elite Performance Studios designed for their dance crew:
They’ve got their studio name on the back:

Exodus Wear
The dancer’s name and studio name on the front:

Exodus Wear
Team name on the arm:

Exodus Wear
And just in case you forgot they got their studio name on the inside too!

Exodus Wear
Dancing is now and has always been a very big deal. Unless you have been living under a rock, or I suppose have no access to wifi, you will know that Dance schools are currently trending and their dancing? On point! Youtube is filled with dance school choreography covering the newest and best hip-hop songs – Swalla by Jason Derulo, Shape of You by Ed Sheeran they got it covered! There are heaps of channels that you can follow – Matt Steffanina is my favourite! Everyone is amazing, he does dance step tutorial videos and the little kids dancing are the cutest! In the dance tutorials he takes you through their complex dance routines slowly step by step so you can hip-hop along with the crew!
Now – being honest here – I tried so very hard to follow one of these dance tutorial videos, I really did. But turns out that I’m not as coordinated as I thought and the 10 year olds are way more talented than me hahaha. I think Zumba is more my speed anyway. I recently found this channel Zumba RedStudio that adds Zumba choreography to popular hip-hop songs, they are fun, easy to follow and a good workout. If you prefer more of a dance aerobics type thing, then I would recommend checking out the Fitness Marshall, he was a great find, so epic and so funny!
Don’t worry no matter what your dance style or dance speed Exodus Wear can create the right jacket for your Dance School! Check out our Gallery of Design for hundreds of jacket design ideas!