The Rio Olympics is just around the corner, with the Opening Ceremony scheduled for the 5th of August, 2016, marking the start of the summer games. The team at Exodus Wear have been looking forward to seeing the Australia Team’s Uniform for quite a while so the recent announcement, that the new uniform had been revealed, was very exciting for all of us. Sportscraft, which has been in existence Australia for 102 years, has once again been entrusted with the task of producing a uniform that not only represents our country and culture but also meets the criteria for the location, the team member’s specific requirements and the expectations of our nation.
The team at Exodus Wear were all in agreement that we loved the uniform which really reflected the location and lifestyle of Rio de Janeiro. Lots of sun and warm weather and a casual lifestyle which is not that different to our own Aussie way of life.
The interesting aspect to the uniforms, from our perspective, is the customisation offered by the designer to the Olympic team. The lining of the jacket is also a big feature with all Olympic Team members names, past and present, printed on the lining. Sizing and fit would have been a priority so each uniform had to be individually tailored to achieve the best results.
Our team couldn’t help but be reminded of our custom lining, which offers lost of design options to our customers and is a similar design feature as per the Australian Olympic Team’s Jacket. We would like to think that maybe they saw one of our Exodus Wear jackets and drew inspiration from it!
Anyone involved in the manufacturing of clothing and especially uniforms can’t help but be interested in following in the design and manufacturing process and the extensive consultation process that must have taken place. We were certainly captivated by the whole thing.
If you and your school would like to feel as special as the Australian Olympic Team with your own Custom Designed Jacket, unique to your school or Group, then please don’t hesitate to contact us on 1300 014 421 for more information on how to get started.