Let’s face it, study whether it be for exams or for university can take time. And it can seem like you are just staring blankly at a page rather than actually taking anything in. It is important though to make sure you do get into some effective study habits. But often work or your social life can be too much of a distraction to be sitting inside and reading up on test topics. But, what if there was a way to not have to read a book but still feel like you have actually done some effective study?

Listed here are some ways of multitasking to achieve efficient and effective study habits

Voice recording

Voice record any notes you might need, upload to your Ipod and listen while doing exercise or other activity. By playing notes over and over again, you are actually improving your memory. And in the process you are converting these thoughts into long term memories and are easy to recall later on.

effective study habits

(Source: http://www.wikihow.com/Have-Fun-While-Studying)


Another option could be using note taking software, such as Evernote that helps you organise your notes online and set up reminders for study. This means you can have your notes wherever you are. And whatever you are doing, you can still have a quick flick through your notes and remind yourself of things.

(Source: http://www.discoverbusiness.us/learning/)

Word association

You can actually use everyday objects and places to remember information. It’s called association. So while out and about doing exercise or socialising, you can actually remember notes or information by associating things with something similar to what you are studying.

Create a song

If you like music or are good at making up songs, you could make up a song about what you are studying which includes key words and phrases on what you are studying. Because songs are a good way of memorizing things. (have you ever forgotten the lyrics to songs?). Then you will be more likely to enjoy hearing your study notes and will stick in your mind better. And you can play it over and over just to annoy everyone!

effective study habits

(Source: http://www.wikihow.com/Have-Fun-While-Studying)

These can be summed up in one word: multitasking. Some of you may be better at this than others. But, by taking into account some of these tips anyone can improve their information retention and thus gain effective study habits. Of course, everyone has different ways of studying for tests and exams. So, this is more a guide for helping you study. But this should hopefully help you to think about how you can make your study time more efficient.