Avast me hearty’s. Time to climb aboard a pirate ship near you. For the next installment in the series, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead men tell no tales, is ready to set sail. This latest movie sees Captain Jack Sparrow meeting up with some old and deadly pirates from his past. Captain Salazar is out for blood. He is determined to kill every pirate at sea. In order to survive, Jack must find the Trident of Poseidon as anyone who has this will control all the seas. And if any of the last movies are any indication, this tale will see Jack and his crew overcoming many obstacles. And a bit of humour (and suspense) mixed in, of course! So, get ready to hoist the colours with these Pirates of the Caribbean nickname ideas. And with an all star cast, this latest movie is sure to excite.
Pirates of the Caribbean nickname ideas for the swashbuckling adventurer in you
Captain Jack
Jack Sparrow
Elizabeth Swann
Will Turner
Carina Smyth
Captain Salazar
Haifaa Meni
Pirate Broom
Captain Teague
Officer Santos
Lieutenant Lesaro
Officer Moss
Officer Madga
Monarch Marine
Ghost Strings
Be careful whose side you are on. Because you never know who could betray you…or cause a mutiny on your ship! Therefore, as the saying goes, keep your friends close but your enemies closer. But you better watch out for Captain Salazar. And you never know when he might strike. So, be quick to choose a nickname for your year 12 jersey before they all sail away. Just head on over to the Exodus Wear website at: www.exoduswear.com.au for more information or to order your jumper now!
So, may the wind be ever at your back and the sun shine warm upon your face. And may the best nickname win, me hearty’s!