Episode 9 of the ground-breaking show My Year 12 Life, featured on ABC, ABC iView and ABC ME, is filmed 21 weeks until the dreaded final exams. This week focuses on aspiring soldier Jess, Tom F and Chelsea and raises the questions of university options, money and the unplanned events that can disrupt your final year in school, mentally and physically.
Jess’s Tough Week
The episode starts off with the sad realisation that she wasn’t accepted into the army, due to her eczema skin condition. She seems quick to shake it off and get on with her life, her mum seemingly more upset than her. Jess’s attitude is optimistic about the future, though she is still unsure of what she wants to do with her future. However, later in the week, when she is confronted with her extremely unwell grandfather suffering from dementia, it all hits her at once and she needs a day just to regather her thoughts. Life’s unplanned events can really disrupt your emotional state especially in a year of high-mental stress. However, at the end of the episode she is feeling refreshed and optimistic, looking forward to the future.
Tom’s Surprising News
At the start of the episode we see a chilled but worrying Tom F who decides to dip into his bank account in the aim to buy tickets for his formal. Later we see he’s gone all out for his date, taking her on a helicopter ride, and hiring a vintage car to drive them to the venue. Tom F, who lives by himself in WA, seems blasé about the expense and seems to enjoy the formal. Once again, he struggles with his school attendance and arriving on time. The episode ends with the surprising news from his mum that she is pregnant again. He has mixed emotions at the revelation, but is overall happy for his mum.
Chelsea’s Exciting Future
Chelsea’s week starts off with her not knowing what university she wants to attend, and worries that she has to get a high ATAR to get into the course that she wants. However, after a visit from Macquarie university at her school, she finds out about Early Entry Schemes and Special Consideration applications and decides to give it a go. She says that she is surprised and relieved that schemes like these treat the student like an individual and not just a number. After just a few days of the application being sent out, she is accepted into Macqurie Uni! She’s relieved that she doesn’t have to worry too much about her ATAR, and she feel lucky that she took the time to apply.
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